Monday 8 April 2019


We all have heard about the death of Nipsey Hussle and many Artists, Singer's, Record Producers and fans all are paying tribute to him but it sad because if this so called people really follow Nipsey they would know that this ain't time for tributes but a time to be wild awake, Nipsey won't hear that tribute why? Cause he is dead he was killed right? The Question is are we going to let his dream die with him, cause if we do then we let his killer(s) win both ways. Going through Social Medias the posts that got more likes and attention about Nipsey death are the tribute but going through the very less popular post with 0 or no likes or comment contains what we won't hear in the NEWS or from this big Artist or singers and record producers. Let spread the True legacies of both Dr. Serbi and Nipsey Hussle for our present generation to truly have wealth in abundance cause where we come from health is wealth. Any big Artist or Singer how tries to awaking the masses don't last long on earth
1. 2pac: he told us all that the Government is the                 biggest mob
2. Michael Jackson : the performer told us "Our History Books are lies" he also called the former head of sony a "devil" on National T.V
More recently that is some months ago The death of the young uprising rapper xxxtentaction hit us all by surprise but if you have been following this rapper life and what was happening in his surrounding his death won't be a surprise to you. Likewise the Death of Mac miller no one spread the news that the 26 year old rapper was suffering mentally and psychologically but after his death the story was everywhere, Same as The real Kanye West, when the rapper told everyone at his concert that Facebook and Google lied to them he was immediately painted Crazy and was force fully Hospitalized only God in Heaven knows what was done to Kanye West Some say the answer was in his hair colour the showed up with after his release while some artist like William from black eye peas said that ain't kanye. Now the question is this who is benefiting from the death and craziness of these Artists, singers, Doctors, Diseased Patients and so on, hun who. Because a wise man once said "To know the cause of your problems first find out who is benefiting from it". The thing is that we just follow the multitude and do what they do forgetting the faces of our fathers, many know the TRUTH but decided to keep mute because it not yet standing in front our face forgetting that it will one day come and who knows when it comes we might be too weak to fight it because we did not do anything to fight it while we wear strong. And for those who are benefiting from our problems one day Nature would come back to claim her balance you can only delay it but can't stop it. The TRUTH as we know it can stand firmly on one leg but just imaging what it would do when it has two, it would reach every corner of the earth. Let do the right thing at the right time the right way so it would be pleasing both in the eyes of God and Man. #RIPNIPSEYHUSSLE #RIPDRSERBI #RIP2PAC #RIPXXXTENTACTION #RIPMACMILLER #RIPTAWTTEXPTTRUTH #Generationalguyz #GENENGUYZ

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