Tuesday 22 October 2019


Genenguy HHN was known earlier this month to drop a new track but the title was different he named it "SHAM". By the 18th of October he announced via Instagram that his new song is out titled 5g this sparked shock among fans as they crave to listing to a different tone due to the name of the song. This has never happened in the whole of GENENGUYZ history making this incident the first of it's kind. GENENGUYZ reaction to this was different as they have mixed feelings because it never happened before but some said that the Frequency Rapper has something going on while SHAM was under review by GGZMDS. This has led fans to doubt if " SHAM" was even an actual song as it was replaced quickly by 5g. The only time something close to this happened was with the release of the first track Frequency it was co released with Frenemy which was later announced via social media and the fans was okay with it they even loved it that way making the two Tracks a hit when it touched SoundCloud. Genenguy HHN is yet to give any feedback on the release but those close to the Say Yeah rapper said he would answer all questions pretty soon. We hope he dose, and GGZMAC would be overseeing the track on all music and videos platforms. Join us later as we welcome Genenguy Luminous to shed some light to this 5g track.

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